Week 3 - Diet & Vision Update

OK so it isn't week three of the vision, but it is for the diet. Let's start with the diet though, as I am very excited about it. In the first week I lost 8.5lbs as you know. In the 2nd week it was a little more sedate at a mere 3lbs. Next week in Vegas is gonna be a huge challenge to have fun but still be mindful of the diet.

On the vision front, I have just been for my week 1 check up. All is good, although my eyes are a little dry. The doctor isn't worried especially with the time of year and we have simply upped the dosage on the artificial tears for a bit.

I am able to see at a level of 20:15, with almost 20:10. This basically means that I can read/see things clearly from 20 feet that most normal people can only see from 15 or 10. There may still be some regression over the next 6 months, but I have free lifetime adjustments too, so if needs be I can go back.

So I am very excited about the golf season starting and if anyone wants to help me celebrate by buying me these sunglasses, feel free!


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