Has Winter Gone?
Nope not for a minute. Despite the record high temperatures in the last week, and tornadoes blowing through the next state (less than 1 hour north), winter is coming right back at us this week. Temperatures in the 30s and snow up to 3" is expected tonight. All of that to say, that I don't get to play with my new golf clubs yet. My local course, which in the past has been quite aggressive in opening throughout the winter as weather allows, has taken a much more conservative approach this year. So it looks like Vegas may well be my first opportunity, assuming I take them with me.
On a much happier note, Addison is continuing to develop well, and at just over 3 months is already sleeping most of the night, pretty much holding her head up all the time and laughing. Check out this video to hear that magical sound! Her list of talents now runs, in approximate order of achievement, to
I haven't been able to spend much time in contact with her this month as I have been in Toronto and then I came back sick. So not wanting to pass it on to either mummy or baby, I have been maintaining a distance.
Last but not least, congratulations to long term reader and commenter GI Joe and his lovely wife who delivered their very own bundle of joy this week.
On a much happier note, Addison is continuing to develop well, and at just over 3 months is already sleeping most of the night, pretty much holding her head up all the time and laughing. Check out this video to hear that magical sound! Her list of talents now runs, in approximate order of achievement, to
- smiling
- sticking her tongue out at Lorraine
- blowing raspberries and bubbles for me
- holding her head up
- sleeping 6-7 hours most nights
- kisses on request
- laughing and giggling
Last but not least, congratulations to long term reader and commenter GI Joe and his lovely wife who delivered their very own bundle of joy this week.