Lighthouses R Us
People who know me well, or have been to my house or office will know that I am a big fan of all thing nautical, and lighthouses in particular. I am not sure how this interest came about, as I have always been very nervous of my lack of swimming ability, and as a result not very confident in the water. When I was a kid growing up in Kilmarnock, we used to have a swimming baths in the town. The deep end of these baths was 9ft. My father was a great swimmer, one of the few things I admire in him, and one time when I was very young (like 3 or 4 years old), he ran along the side of this pool and dove in the 9ft end. Being young and impressionable, I thought "What a good wheeze" and followed. Needless to say, that didn't end well! I guess I developed a fear at that point and never really learned to swim properly or enthusiastically, one of my greatest regrets. I can swim a little bit and could probably get by in an emergency, but I have never been confident enough to dive in a...