The Best Cubs Game Ever?

Last night I went to what may well prove to be the last Cubs game I see this season. I hope to catch a few more, but there are only a few left and I have a lot to fit in before I go home to the UK in a few weeks. If this was the last game, what a game to go out on!

I had managed to score tickets to some of the best seats in the house. Seats that don't cost a lot of money ($60) but that are nigh on impossible to get. Seats that you are not allowed to swap, even for the one right next to you, which I think is a little strict, but hey ho.

We were in Cubs Box seats, right behind the GO of Chicago on the roof of the Cubs dug out. Row 2 if you please. The seats were awesome, but it did mean that I will probably be spoiled for ever sitting anywhere else!

My neighbour Sean had already invited me to go to the game with him in the 200 seats, and we were up for it, until these tickets came in. We decided to try to sell his tickets at the ball park, but there were very few biters. It turns out too, that if you do not have a licence, you cannot even legally sell your own season tickets for face value or less.

We were approached and asked how much, fortunately Sean said face value, cos the guy turned out to be a cop dressed as a Cubs fan. Apparently, you have to be more than 2000 feet from the stadium to be able to sell your tickets without a licence and we were only across the street. The guy was good about it though, he gave Sean a warning and let him off with the $250 fine;needless to say we kept the tickets!

We took our seats and the rain started..oh great, the best seats ever and the game is going to be rained off or delayed. It came bucketing down all the way through the 1st and 2nd innings and we got soaked, but we didn't move. Freddie Bynum sucked big time, with at least 2 if not 3 errors costing the cubs 5 runs in the first inning alone. By the end of the 3rd we were down 7-0.

Did we give up, hell no. We got through the 4th with no score, having pulled Bynum and Sean Marshall who was having a bad night; and started to turn it around in the next 3 innings. Ultimately taking the lead going into the 9th (8-7).

Ryan Dempster came in to attempt the save and close out he game, and like a lot of his games in the later portion of the season, he let the Cubs down and allowed the Dodgers to level it off. At least he didn't allow three walks and a grand slam, which he has done at least once this year, to throw away a 3 run lead!

We had to leave then to get Sean home, but we went on to win the game in the 11th (9-8). Derrek played the whole game and Aramis came on in the 8th, I believe. It was great to get to see these guys close up. Check out even more pictures here, and you will see what I mean about the seats.


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