5 Years On

5 years later, the wounds still exist. People are still raw.

The movies and the documentaries meet with criticism. Some think it is still too early, some think never will be too soon.

I actually managed to offend someone this morning by saying that it was our generations John Lennon moment, our JFK. He felt that I was comparing the death of one man with that of several thousand, when all I was trying to say, was that it was one of those moments our parents and grandparents talk about.

I can still remember where I was when....... a world defining moment. There is no comparison of course between 9/11 and John Lennons death, or for that matter July 7th in London.

So many people have said this so much better than I, there are many in the blogging world, but the bottom line is this.

Never forget the day the world changed forever.


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