
In about 5 minutes, any of my golf buddies reading this are gonna be saying "You jammy git!" That was Charlie's reaction when I told him, but I best set the scene first.

A month or two ago, I decided that I wanted to join a golf club, primarily to play more often for less money and to gain an official handicap certificate, but also to try to expand my playing group here, as they are not as readily available as I would like, for the amount of golf I like to play. So I started out with the USGA to try to get a list of clubs that took members in my area, there are surprisingly few, and all of those damned expensive! They did, however, have a link to a virtual club called Golfserve Advantage who have an online score tracker, handicap calculator, etc, the kind of toy I like to play with AND they will issue official USGA handicap certificates; so I paid my $29.95 and signed right up. I put my scoring record this year on file from my other tool that I use to track the scores, and quite quickly it was showing my handicap index to be 26.3, which I posted about already.

Fast forward to this week and I get an email, from the CEO of Golfserve, Michael Lazerow, asking me if I would be interested in being the Handicap Chairman for the Chicagoland Club of which I am a member. Obviously my suspicions were immediately aroused as to junk mail, spam, phising, etc and so I emailed him back asking for more details, how much outlay, how much time, those kind of questions.

The deal he laid out was this

I have to take a USGA test to prove I can do the job
I give 2-3 hours of my time each month to reviewing handicaps and ensuring we abide by the USGA handicap rules, all 92 pages!
emmm that's about it..Oh and they need my address for club correspondence

In return here's what I get
My membership fee is refunded
a small % of the annual gross turnover of Chicagoland Club which is just under 1000 members
invited to free golf at the annual handicap chair blowout

This year's blowout is in Vegas 30th Sep - 2nd Oct. We get to play Bali Hai (check out the virtual tour) on Friday, Royal Links twice on Saturday and Stallion Mountain, where I played with Marcus before, on Sunday. All I need is the air fare and hotel, probably about $600 total to play $1000 of golf!

Altogether now.... "You jammy git"

All I have to do now, is pass the test in the next week, else I suppose I just go to Vegas and lie by the pool!


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