Friday's Feast - 59

Appetizer : Did you sleep good last night?
I hate to be picky, but my UK English dictates that I say, I did not sleep well last night. I had been out at the Cubs game, another win thank you very much. I am 2 for 2..I should definitely be their new mascot. I saw Derek Lee hit two fantastic home runs out of the ball park! The reason that I did not sleep well, of course, was that I had, as one would expect, indulged in a few libations, and in that situation, I never sleep well.

Soup : What is your current computer desktop image?
I don't have one because my firm locks that down, but I am about to reload webshots at home, cos I love their pictures.

Salad : When was the last time you planted something, what was it and where did it go?
I re-potted my Christmas tree last Christmas, from the root bound pot you get it in, to a nice decorative pot, does that count?

Main Course : What's your favorite condiment?
Sour cream, is that really a condiment? Since coming to the US I have been eating a lot more of it!

Dessert : Share a quote that you like, for whatever reason.
I am going to share two that I can relate to!

The reason the golf pro tells you to keep your head down is so you can't see him laughing. ~Phyllis Diller

If you're caught on a golf course during a storm and afraid of lightning, play with your 1-iron. Not even God can hit a 1-iron. ~Lee Trevino

Served up by Friday's Feast


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