
One of the very interesting things about the US that I have always known and admired, is the degree of nationalism generally displayed. I know the Scots are very nationalistic and to a lesser degree the English too. However recent experiences at the Memorial Day parade and my observations since arriving show the Brits generally to be somewhat less enthusiastic.

Example : Flying The Flag
The most obvious statement of your commitment to your country. On the occasions when we have tried this in the UK we have been prevented by the PC brigade telling us that it may offend other groups of people who are perhaps not British, or at least not born in the UK.

My take on this has always been, that you make your best efforts to fit in with the "locals" in whichever country you choose to live. This should include tolerance of local customs, local symbols, eg flags, learning the local language and supporting local decisions. That is not to say you should be prevented from practicing your own religion, maintaining your native language or even hankering after eventually going home after the whatever took you away is over.

However it should preclude you from standing on a street corner, saying how bad the country you now live in is, or how bad the people are, how the western world in which you choose to live is corrupting your home world. Abu Hamza is a good example of this sort of behaviour. My view..if you don't like it, then go someplace else! We are supposed to have laws that prevent the incitement of racial & religious hatred, but for some bizarre reason they don't seem to be applied to him. I saw a very good bumper sticker the other day which summed it up for me. "America, you gotta love it...or get the heck out!"

In the US, they fly the flag on pretty much every imaginable surface, stuck on windows, flying from cars, full size home flag poles and smaller mounted poles on balconies and porches, although some of these may be deemed inappropriate. They even pass laws to ensure you have the right to fly the flag, just in case someone else feels you shouldn't!

Example : Supporting The Troops
WAIT, before everyone gets on their hobby horse about whether the latest war was right, wrong, justified, folly, etc, STOP. This is not intended to be a political soap box, and I don't really want to get into a debate over all of that.

However, it seems that no matter what people think of the war over here, they are still prepared to demonstrate support for the troops, who, after all, are doing their job. A job, I hasten to add, that I am glad someone is prepared to do on my behalf. You will see a number of ribbons, made popular I believe by the early AIDS movement, now being adapted for all sorts of causes here in the US, including several designs supporting the troops.

Again, I am not suggesting that the Brits are any less supportive of our troops, because I don't believe that to be true, but I just wish we were more open about that support.

Example : The National Anthem
Now most people will admit that the UK national anthem is dull, and it is also in the words of Billy Connolly, anti Scottish. There are some lyrics in there that go on about "like a torrent rush, rebellious Scots to crush", although these are not sung in the "official" version any longer. As the UK continues to grow further apart with both Wales and Scotland wanting some sort of independence, the case become stronger for more appropriate anthems, Scotland The Brave or Flower of Scotland, and of course Jerusalem for England.

All of that aside, whatever the anthem is, we need to be more open about singing it and actually believe what it says. For the most part, in the US I think that is the case. It is sung at ALL sporting events from college basketball, through NHL, NFL, NBA and of course the recent Indy Grand Prix that I went to. Almost everyone respects it by removing their hat, and those that don't are chastised by others in the crowd. Also most people put their hand over their heart whilst it is being sung.

In short, don't be conservative, be proud of your home, your country, where you live and show it. If you don't live in your own country any more, then be supportive of your adopted country, whilst still respectfully remembering your home.


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