Friday's Feast - 55

Appetizer : What is your middle name? Would you change any of your names if you could? If so, what would you like to be called?
Leighton, the same as my dad. Not really sure where it came from, it's a bit odd. I would probably just like someone a little easier to spell, but no major preferences as to a specific name.

Soup : If you were a fashion designer, which fabrics, colours, and styles would you probably use the most?
I love Cotton and Linen. Yellow is my favourite colour, but anything in the brown colour range works for me, chinos, beige (I know) chocolate brown (like the colour of the dog I want!). I like the whole "GAP Casual", Eddie Bauer, Timberland look, so anything in that kind of style.

Salad : What is your least favourite chore, and why?
Anything housework related (although Lorraine does most of it at the moment), I would just much rather be out doing fun stuff or doing DIY instead, but then wouldn't we all. As soon as I can afford it, we will get a maid service!

Main Course : What is something that really frightens you, and can you trace it back to an event in your life?
I don't think I get really scared about anything. I think if there is something I would rather not do, then it would be small spaces, crawling through tight tubes or holes, that kind of thing. I used to live in a house that had a very small access to an attic, and as I grew up, it became hard to fit through the space.

If I really had to say something that "frightened me", then I would probably say "the mindset that drives a suicide bomber". How do you combat that?

Dessert : Where are you sitting right now? Name 3 things you can see at this moment.
At my desk at home. I can see my iPod dock, a model of Woody from Toy Story, courtesy of Fat Macs and a plastic "slinky" toy that we got for free on our first trip into the city, from some charity run organisation.

Served up by Friday's Feast


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