A Fascinating Spy Story

A WW2 female British Spy dies unknown to all around her in Torquay earlier this month. Moments away from a paupers grave, police looked through her possessions, including a Croix de Guerre medal awarded to her by the French government after the war, the obscurity Ms. Nearne had cultivated for decades began to slip away.

It reminds me of a story I heard years ago whilst visiting Bletchley Park pertaining to the work undertaken in breaking WW2 codes for the German U Boats. The story goes, that the site, the work undertaken, and the workers themselves were so secret and so discreet, that years later when older couples were sitting home watching a documentary on the place, they were both heard to say. "Hey I used to work there during the war. Really? So did I!" These people, married to each other, both set off for work each day for years, made their way to the same location, by different routes, methods of transport, etc and worked in different huts and NEVER spoke about it, cos it was the war, and "lose lips sink ships".

You can read more of her story here.


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