Now That Was Exciting

My MIL and SIL are in town right now, and we had the opportunity to go, all four of us, to the game last night. I went to my third of the season, expecting to see the Bears get their butts kicked by Favre and Vikings who had won 12 out of 14 games this season. However, much to my surprise, and I am sure the Vikings and their fans, the Bears won the game in overtime!
They started out the first half with a 16-zip lead which we all knew couldn't last. Cutler was playing well and no interceptions (yet!), and the DEEFENSE (as our American brothers call it) wasn't leaking like a sieve and letting the Vikings run all over them....that is until the third quarter. Having given up a touch down but charged down the extra point, which would prove crucial in the end, they gave up 17 points unanswered, to tie the game at 23 with only 5 minutes or so left in the final quarter.
The Bears came right back and actually would have run it back for a score had Manning not tripped over his own feet twenty yards out. They went on to score taking the score to 30-23, but the Vikings weren't done yet with Favre proving why he is a Hall Of Fame Quarterback, tying it up in the dying seconds of the game, to force overtime.
The bears could have won it pretty soon after, but Robbie missed a field goal by inches, before they eventually scored a touchdown from the hands of Cutler to Aromashodu. It seems like the team the fans had been looking for all season suddenly decided to show up, despite losing three key players in the second half, in Manning, Knox and Tillman.
I took some pix that I will post later, when I see how they turned out.