Busy Travelling - Not Nearly!

I am sitting in the hotel bar in Montreal for the second time in three weeks, wondering if my friend and colleague Steve still believes business travel to be something he was missing out on. Don't get me wrong, you cannot beat a good steak or a nice glass of wine, especially when someone else is paying, but the "shine or glamour" of business travel wore off for me a long time ago.

On the plane on the way up here, I was browsing the inflight magazine as I am wont to do on occasion, and there was a story of a guy (Tom Stuker) who had just reached 10m miles with United; a landmark they believe for any airline. Now obviously the perks of being a 10m miles guy are pretty cool, including things like getting your name on the side of 747, and I do love to fly, so the thought of flying the miles doesn't bother me as much as the though of all those destinations for work, for make no mistake, most of it was for work, and it has all been done since 1982!!

Next time I think I am travelling a lot, I will think of Tom Stuker and thank my lucky stars, because I would much rather be spending time with my family at the Kohl's Children's Museum!

See Tom's story here

Click here for the pix from the Children's Museum last weekend.


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