Long Time...

no post; I know Charlie, very disappointed, but really there is not much going on. Also, I only have about 18 visits per week and about three comments a year, so I am not sure anybody even cares! Winter was long and pretty hard with some fabulous snow falls. The snow blower got a great work out and even earned me a few bottles of wine from the neighbours.

The kitchen is done from a contractor perspective, although touch ups, painting and backsplash tiling needs to be completed. I have started the clean up, with the family room back to "normal" I started the backsplash tiling as well, with the back semi-hidden area, to make sure I could do a good enough job, without professional help. It looks good and photographs will follow as I near completion.

The whole house still needs to be cleaned. Mot of the upstairs is done, we (Lorraine mostly) have been washing all of the carpeting, walls, etc as everything was just covered in dust. We are up against the wall as my sister, her baby and my mother will be joining Lorraine's sister and mother to visit us at the end of May for Lorraine's 40th birthday.

The other thing we have been doing a little more regularly now that the weather is better, is going out with the kids on bike rides. We have the trailer which they can both fit in to, and we have the back seat for my bike for Addison too, which she really likes as she can see much more from the higher position.

I have been spending a lot of my time with my camera which is one of the reasons this blog has been neglected, besides the fact that really life is just life right now. I am heading to Vegas at the end of the month to party, drink, play some golf; not necessarily in that order!

Speaking of golf, this weekend I will swing my clubs for the first time this year, and my league starts next week. I can't wait! That's all for now, but have a look at some of my recent photograph albums below. (in no particular order)

General city shots from the last month or two, from a few different walks around after I got done working.

A selection of pictures of the kids from the month of April. Cooper dressing up with my hat scarves and gloves, and Addison playing with bubbles that I bought for her. She loves bubbles!

The spring coming along leads to the gardens blooming, grass growing, etc. Recently I took Addison down to the Botanic Garden to see what was coming through.

I have been exploring the local area recently and one of the cool areas I found is the once army base of Fort Sheridan, which is steadily being sold off and converted to public lands.

Last album for this post is from our trip in March to Lincoln Park Zoo. I know many people don't like zoos and in some ways there are certainly components that I don't like, but I also think they serve a need. This particular place is a very old zoo, with some fabulous old buildings.

I joined a local camera club recently and the first field trip I took with them was to the Chicago Flower Show. The theme was the sport of gardening.

A few shots from the family bike rides we have been taking. Mostly of the actual scenery as the family are camera shy; well Addison is!

Of course, you should also hop on over to my photo blog and check out the Photo 365 daily shots and rejects. Click on the rotating album links on the right pane to see more of those.


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