Nature vs Nurture

The debate will never be resolved of course, but it is an interesting thought process. Theoretically we have done nothing different with Cooper than we did with Addison, yet the differences in his behaviour are marked from Addison's. I say theoretically because, of course things are different. Our values have not changed, but likely our approach has. He is child number two, so of course lessons have been learned, attitudes are different, and Addison is here being very involved in everything going on.

He is way more grizzly than Addison ever was, doesn't sleep as well, and seems to need to burp every minute of EVERY DAY. Appearancewise, he could be her twin at that age. There are often time when I look at pictures, on the computer or the digital frame, with some hand me down outfit from Addison, and I cannot tell for sure which one of them it is. All of this to say that he has been a nightmare to feed, to the point where I don't even try any more and Lorraine spends hours wrangling him to get a bottle of milk into him. We would have tried "solid" food earlier, to see if that would help, but he has/had some eczema, and the doctor recommended we wait until he was a minimum of six months so as not to bring on any more allergies or reactions.

So last night was his 6 month birthday, and we broke out the baby cereal ASAP. He seemed to enjoy it for the most part and also drank the following bottle much more easily too, so here's hoping! He slept much better last night, and awoke later. I know it is only one day, but if this is a step forward then Lorraine will be turning cartwheels. Anyways, here are some pictures of the little guy and his first solid food experience, along with some general pictures of the kids from June.


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