Long Time No Post

Been a busy few weeks what with the move and the upcoming trip and work kickin' my ass! However everything progresses.

We moved in last weekend, in record time. The 24' truck was packed to the gunwales (or gunnels as we say in Scotland). We had a merry band of helpers, and I am eternally grateful to them for their efforts. We got the whole truck packed up by 11:30am, having only started around 9am, and we were at the new house and completely unpacked by 2pm. The unpacking will take several more weeks/months!

On the weight side, as you can see above, progress continues in the right direction. I am now under 250lbs fully clothed, more than 30lbs down!

The trip to the homeland is coming up soon. I will be back in the UK from the 8th in Scotland and the 15th in Epsom.


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