Motherland Is Calling

After a final blast of cold and snow last week, another foot or so on Good Friday, it seems that the winter is finally over. We are getting ready to move house and also take a trip back home with AJ for her first time. The ice on the lake has mostly melted and I got some good pictures this past weekend, when we went to the new house for some measuring up.

The winter in Chicagoland has been amongst the most severe in recent memory. In our little town of Libertyville, we had 37" of snow in February alone and a season total of 78", that's right 7.5 FEET! Of course as it all melts now and the spring storms come, there will be considerable flooding, but hopefully, some of the golf courses will open soon.

For those of you reading this in the UK, the trip is planned for 7th-22nd May for me, and 7th May-4th June for Lorraine. I emailed everyone I had in my address book pretty much, but if I missed you then let me know and I will send you the trip itinerary

Click here for the final few winter pictures.


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