Green? Card

Some of you may know that we applied for our Green Cards this year. Our visas will run out in February 2008, and it was a choice as to renewing them, or going further to the full green card status.

The green card, which, as you can see, is not green, although it does have a green stripe on the back, is not a citizenship document, it doesn't mean we will be Americans, or have to give up our UK citizenship, and in fact, I don't even think we can vote!

It basically is like a super visa. It means that if at any time, my employment with my current firm ends, I don't have to get back on the first plane, which as I understand it, is the case with the visa I have. I will be able to seek employment elsewhere, come and go from the US at will, etc. It is valid for 10 years.

For Lorraine, it will mean that she will at last be able to get a social security number, driving licence, basically her own US identity.

Well the good news is that mine has come through already. You hear all these horror stories, and indeed the website tells you, that the processing takes up to a year. When we submitted ours in March, the website said they were working on applications from October 2006, so we were not hopeful. I expected all sorts of complicated processes, interviews, random visits, etc (like the Gerard Depardieu movie), but besides the initial paperwork, and a brief finger printing session, I am all done.

Now the battle may well begin with Lorraine. We have been asked for additional paperwork and/or evidence with respect to my divorce, our marriage, our continued cohabitation etc. I have submitted it all today, so hopefully we will get the wheels moving soon. With the baby coming, and her visa due up in February, we really don't need the extra stress.

Wish us luck!


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