A Blast From The Past

We had our moments, and we wound each other up a lot. I was a typical young tearaway, Hilary was in a new role with uncharted waters to navigate and an aggressive target to achieve. I think though that for all of our tension, there was a relationship based on mutual respect and if it wasn't then, it certainly is now. I look back and I realise just what she did for me.
I think that everyone in your life as you grow up contributes something to your development, and the secret to a happy life is learning those lessons. If she hadn't been as strict, who knows where I might be now!
For Hilary's part, she is living the life of Riley, working part time, with a new man in her life. They have two boats and hopes to retire soon, so she must have gotten something right! She says she has mellowed and certainly I would never have thought she would reach out to me, who gave her all that trouble all those years ago. So who knows, if we are ever both in the same town or even country, a few beers and a reminisce about old times is most likely on the cards.