Play Ball!

I am currently a member of a UK Fantasy Football (Soccer for my American readers) group, and have been for the last 4 or more years. I started strong finishing on the podium in my first year if I remember rightly and then faded fast, currently I am in 12th place out of 15, so it's not going enormously well! I attended our last auction by webcam from the US, and it is pretty tough to keep in touch with local UK players transactions given the distance, so I may well be forced to drop out next year.

I was asked to join, by a UK friend with US contacts, a Transatlantic Fantasy Baseball League. Having recently discovered a love for the sport, and honestly outside of motorsport, I haven't been this into watching a sport in a very long time, if ever, so I thought it sounded like fun. We are currently in the 3rd week, and I am winning my match up!

The first week, I lost by a long way, some 50 odd points, but the second week, was much closer, I only lost by 1.5 points, and I had made some bad decisions about my benchwarmers, so I should really have won it. Assuming no major disasters this week, I should win, and I have made some changes to drop my useless players, hopefully swapping them for better players, but time will tell. If anyone can give me any advice on my line up, then please do, as I need all the help I can get.

I was very excited, as I got Derrek Lee as one of my players, and a couple of other Cubs players too, but anyone who follows the sport will know that Derrek was badly injured this week, and in fact will be out for the next 2 months minimum, which might well put a dampener on my fantasy chances, but more importantly, is already having a negative effect on the Cubs. They have lost every game since he was injured losing two games in a row for the first time this season, and now are 9 for 16 for the season.

Come on Cubbies, it's time to settle down, put the injury behind you and get back in the groove. We can get to the World Series yet!


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