Chocolate mmm, Galaxy!

Those of you who know me well enough will know that my favourite chocolate is Galaxy. You may also know that US chocolate is decidely untastey (sorry guys!). So every time anyone comes to visit, or just happens to be travelling the pond, we put our order in.

An old friend & colleague, Sam Francis came to visit this week, well she came to work really, but we partied hard in the three days she was here. She brought 2 huge bars of Galaxy, the angel! So we are all set now until our other friends come out in December for a few assured Galaxy is on the list.

We took Sam down into the city to see the view from the Hancock Observatory, to the Cheesecake Factory, Wildfire, and also had her round to dinner on the third night. I believe she had a lot of fun, we certainly did.

Thanks Sam, come back soon, and don't forget the Galaxy!


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