Petrol Heads Unite

Calling all petrol heads..does anyone know why the oil change interval in the US is so low. In the UK, the oil change interval is usually the same as the full service interval, unless you are driving something saucy like a Ferrari. Here in the US, I don't know the service interval, but typically the oil change interval is around 3-5k, for the same car, eg the Volvo I owned in the UK, versus owning the same car here.

So let me ask you this..

Q. Is it all a huge conspiracy or fantastic marketing plan by Jiffy Lube to make money?

Q. Is motor oil sold in the US just really crappy?

Q. If, as some people suggest, it is climate based, then why don't cars in California differ from those in Illinois?

Q. Does any know or care, or are you happy changing your oil 5 or 6 times a year?

I want answers!

PS, it seems like Michelin are doing the decent thing and offering refunds for this year's race ticket and free tickets for next year, but don't actually go into saying how that will be achieved.

However despite finding the Michelin teams guilty, the FIA have declined to actually issue a punishment and as a result have actually put themselves on the back foot, as the Michelin team try to wriggle out from under and make plans to appeal. Michelin themselves came in for further harsh words, but no real penalties!


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