Blogging Is Catching

Occasionally I take a minute or two to check out other folks blogs. This week I found a couple of interesting posts. I haven't read the blogs in any great detail, but these individual posts are quite good. I am betting the Hemel one was Jimmy!


Elims said…
Yeah, kinda contagious, isnt it? Fun to just hop around and read random people's blogs. *grin*

From Scotland to Illinois ... you poor thing!! d;)
Elims said…
I grew up in Missouri, my parents are both from Illinois. Welcome to the MidWest, to you and Lorraine! I dated a guy who was from Dundee, Scotland (his family is still there) and who now lives in London. After 5 years, we(?) had decided that he didnt want to live here in the States ... that in order for things to work out, I was to move over there. Among other compromise issues, (my obsession with dogs, his fear of them *laugh*) we're now "just friends". I still hope to retire to Scotland someday. I would go right now on my own if I could safely transport my pets without heavy quarantine. d:)

Elims said…
Yup yup, new to the blog world I am. I needed to sign up for an account in order to leave a comment on one of our local news sites' webpages, so I decided to play with it.

What I think is REALLY funny, is that I read on Lorraine's blog that she was working in Chessington over in England ... that's where my ex-boyfriend lives now, and where I spent three months. I was always hopping the number 71 bus in to Kingston, or walking to the Chessington North station to catch the train in to London.

I liked Dundee. Windy, every time I was there ... the Firth of Tay was always choppy. We only ever drove through areas on the west coast ... never spent a lot of time over on that side. Spent a lot of time around Aviemore and in the Highlands, which I love... and on the north coast, but I havent been to any of the islands.

How much time have you spent in the States? In Chicago, you're in for a fairly traditional warm summer, and then should have a whopper of a winter with lots of ice, cold and snow. d:)

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