4 weeks & counting

It's officially 4 weeks to go 'til my last day in the UK office, and things are definitely hotting up. If you have been following my exploits, then you will know I have my visa, and have just booked my flights too. The Global Mobility Unit (GMU) is now on the case arranging accommodation, car rental, etc..

One of the first things I will need to do is to get a social security number, which apparently can take a month or two, which means that I cannot get a bank account, rent a property or car, pretty much nothing! So I am trying to amass a reasonable cash fund here before I go.

Again, most of you will know that I am selling all my worldly goods, because it is too gosh darned (expletive removed for my US audience) expensive to ship them. The latest quote I have is £2.5K, to move about 3 books, a bed and a chair; money for old rope! So look out for more stuff for sale, including most of my furniture.

Apparently I am not allowed to move anything flammable, any food stuffs or any "liquor" without FDA approval, 15 forms completed in triplicate, 150% dooty (duty for my UK audience) and, doubtless, some sort of internal exam..which means that Lorraine and I have been working our way through the drinks cabinet, and may have to have some people round for drinks parties to use it up.

When we are established, or at least ensconced in the temporary accommodation, whilst Lorraine house hunts, we will also be swotting up on the Highway Code or Rules Of The Road. We both need to take our Illinois state driving test within three months to ensure we do not fall foul of "Sheriff John Bunnell" on location with the men and women of law enforcement (Cops - for those of you who don't watch trash TV). Like the social security number, the driving licence is one of those documents that just makes life much easier in the US.

This last couple of weeks have been a stark reminder of why I am looking forward to living in a new country, not least of which, the unreliable weather. We have already had to pull out of a car boot sale (swap meet) due to rain, hail, sleet, snow and a howling gale..on a day which was supposed to bright, crisp, clear and cold..well one out of four aint bad..it was pretty cold!

This week has seen repeated snow flurries, although none of them substantial around us here in the south..however the few cm we did get managed to cause major accidents all over the UK, including closing one of our major N/S motorways due to two lorries crashing into each other and exploding some gas canisters, and the M25 London orbital on the same day thanks to four lorries getting cosy; all of which made my four hour journey from seeing the family, into an eight hour return!

Todd tells me that I will have to get used to it, but I think at least, as it is a common occurrence and the city is set up to deal with it, then the problems will hopefully be less. At least I will be able to rely on the weather a little more and be able to plan things more than a day or two in advance.


hazela said…
If you have anybooze that you really want to bring over, I think you can both bring 12 (or it might be 6 each) in as carry-on. We saved our dutyfree bags and pretended that we bought it at the airport!...wieghs a tonne but worth it if you want to keep more stuff

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