A New Toy!!
I know I have been neglecting you, my readers, for a while now, as can be seen from my background still being a winter scene. I really need to get out and take some more pictures. This year started at a heck of a clip; new responsibilities at work and baby on the way, to name but two. I have been watching the Cubbies try to be more consistent, and failing! Although I still believe they can do it this year. More consistency in winning the one run and extra innings games will help, and the bullpen seems to be coming together better of late. One thing we have been focusing on recently was the need for a second vehicle. Having bought the HHR for Lorraine really, earlier this year, and with the baby on the way, we felt after two years that we probably needed a second car. For the last several weeks, I have been trying to decide if I wanted a fun, two seater , or two plus sports car or another truck. As a result, I have been across the board looking at all sorts, including the Corvette abo...