
Showing posts from January, 2008

Week 3 - Diet & Vision Update

OK so it isn't week three of the vision, but it is for the diet. Let's start with the diet though, as I am very excited about it. In the first week I lost 8.5lbs as you know. In the 2nd week it was a little more sedate at a mere 3lbs. Next week in Vegas is gonna be a huge challenge to have fun but still be mindful of the diet. On the vision front, I have just been for my week 1 check up. All is good, although my eyes are a little dry. The doctor isn't worried especially with the time of year and we have simply upped the dosage on the artificial tears for a bit. I am able to see at a level of 20:15, with almost 20:10. This basically means that I can read/see things clearly from 20 feet that most normal people can only see from 15 or 10. There may still be some regression over the next 6 months, but I have free lifetime adjustments too, so if needs be I can go back. So I am very excited about the golf season starting and if anyone wants to help me celebrate by buying me these...

Can You Say "Mid Life Chrisis"

Charlie probably will, although he said it when I had my MG, so he can't use it twice! This week I have been starting my soon to be 40s with a few significant changes. many of you will know that I have been talking about laser eye surgery for many years. Mostly cos I hate "fart-arsing" around with my glasses, skiing, driving, walking around, etc. So I took the plunge! I went to the same company that Tiger Woods went to, and obviously I will seeking a refund if I am not immediately accepted on the PGA Tour. I had Intralase LASIK, involving a laser cutting a flap on my eye, laser adjustment of the Cornea, and then replacement of the flap. This is a pretty cool little video of the process, but instead of the blade shown cutting the corneal flap, mine was done with a laser, as I said. There is lots more information here and here if you are interested. It is now two days post-op and so far so good. I can see better than ever, 20:15 for those in the technie know. It is pos...

Has Winter Gone?

Nope not for a minute. Despite the record high temperatures in the last week, and tornadoes blowing through the next state (less than 1 hour north), winter is coming right back at us this week. Temperatures in the 30s and snow up to 3" is expected tonight. All of that to say, that I don't get to play with my new golf clubs yet. My local course, which in the past has been quite aggressive in opening throughout the winter as weather allows, has taken a much more conservative approach this year. So it looks like Vegas may well be my first opportunity, assuming I take them with me. On a much happier note, Addison is continuing to develop well, and at just over 3 months is already sleeping most of the night, pretty much holding her head up all the time and laughing. Check out this video to hear that magical sound! Her list of talents now runs, in approximate order of achievement, to smiling sticking her tongue out at Lorraine blowing raspberries and bubbles for me holding her he...

It Was The Holiday Season

Well the in-laws came over for Christmas and what a jolly time we all had. I was in Canada for the first two days of their trip and arrived home on the Friday night, on yet another delayed United Flight, I really hate flying United, to find both Madeleine and Jan hogging the baby! The next day, Saturday, Madeleine was heading into the city to meet with Ian who was flying in and spend a few days hanging out in their penthouse suite. We went to my buddy Steve's house for a Christmas party, where I got to play bar tender in his very cool basement bar, that he built himself. On the Sunday we had all arranged to go down to the city and have the famous brunch at the Hancock Center, Signature Room . We arrived very early and got in line, although the line was very short, I think the freezing weather must have put some people off. The brunch was excellent and I think pretty good value for $42, especially when you see what is on the menu and that you can spend all 4 hours there should you w...