Give Us A Wave!

It's over 20 weeks now, and we have just had the scan. The baby looks like a really small person now with arms, legs, fingers, toes, nose, features, etc. We could have found out the sex if we had wanted to, but we felt like we would prefer the surprise. We have just had the MIL and SIL here for a while, and they were able to come to see the scan and hear the heartbeat, there was much teariness! You know what girls are like, although I will confess to a small lump in the throat, especially when the lady was pointing out all the little bits, fingers, toes, heart, nose, it is incredibly detailed (for those of you who have not done this yet) My friend Charlie tells me it has changed his life, and it certainly seems to have had an effect on him. I can't wait..I have been out buying toys and stuff already! Anyway, I won't bore you with any more, but I hope you like the pics, although GI Joe is a little squeamish about this sort of stuff, lord help him if he ever has to go through...